Zoran Djurisic

Montenegro Airlines verrà privatizzata
Il Montenegro lancia la vendita del 30% del capitale azionario della Montenegro Airlines, terza società aerea nazionale, che sarà ricapitalizzata entro la fine dell’anno. Vazhdo  Vazhdo

February 7, 2008  :: Shtypi / Mediji :: Comments Off on Montenegro Airlines verrà privatizzata
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Montenegro Awaits Warning Strike
29 January 2008 Podgorica:Montenegro’s trade union federation is calling for a one-hour warning strike on February 5 in protest at the government’s refusal to raise the minimum wage. Tuesday’s strike call from the Council of the Confederation of Montenegrin Trade Unions, SSCG, also included news that a rally would be held in front of the government building in Podgorica to coincide with the strike. “That is just the first step in organizing strikes and protests. In case the government fails to respond appropriately, the... Vazhdo

January 29, 2008  :: Ekonomia / Ekonomija :: Comments Off on Montenegro Awaits Warning Strike
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