Montenegro recorded an over 14% increase in tourist arrivals for September

October 28, 2011   | Bota

Montenegro recorded 201 871 tourist arrivals in September, which is 14.9% more than in September 2010. The number of overnight stays of 1,143,745 increased by 15.3%. Of these, 88.6% of the rates achieved, and 11.4% of domestic tourists. In the first nine months of the 2011th The realized 1.30451 million tourist arrivals, an increase of 8.4% over the same period last year. Tourists in this period made 8,519,132 overnight stays, which is 10.2% more compared to same period last year. Number of overnight stays of domestic tourists decreased by 2.8%, while the number of foreign tourists increased by 12%.

The structure of foreign tourists, in September 2011, the highest rates were realized by tourists from Russia (23.5%), Serbia (17%), Bosnia and Herzegovina (9.8%), Ukraine (6.9%), Polish (5.3%), Macedonia (2.8%), Germany (2.4%) and other states.

In the structure of rates by type of tourist overnight stays was highest in coastal areas (97.4%), mountainous areas (1.2%), capital (0.8%), followed by other tourist places and other places.

Source: Statistical Office

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