Role of the Diaspora, gathered in Ulqin the Forum of Albanosfera

May 19, 2012   | Bota

Ulqin (Montenegro), May 18, 2012, NOA – On 19 and 20 May, was held in Ulqin the third meeting of the Forum Albansofera. This Forum gathes in periodic
meetings politicians of political parties in the region. It is an initiative of G99 in Albania, supported by “Friedrich Ebert Foundation”.
At this meeting, the focus is the Albanian Diaspora. Will be discussed about diaspora as a resource of development, the institutional structures, and its impact on the geo-political strategies and state-hood, with a view to see the possibilities of a coordinated approach to the Albanian diaspora’s spaces.

Parties represented at this meeting are:

Kosovo: Kosovo’s Democratic Party, Democratic League of Kosovo, Movement Vetëvendosje, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, New Kosova Alliance.

Albania: Socialist Party, Socialist Movement for Integration,Aggregation G99

 Democratic Union for Integration, the Albanian Democratic Party.

Montenegro: New Democratic Force, Prospect.

Preshevo’s Valley: Party for Democratic Action