
Montenegro is a rising start in tourism
“Montenegro sees one of the most impressive improvements this year out of all countries,” reads the World Economic Forum’s “Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2011.” The report measures and analyses the drivers of travel and tourism competitiveness in countries world-wide. In terms of actual ranking, the report says that Montenegro is “going up by a full 16 places to 36th overall, just behind Croatia in the region.” It goes on acknowledging the importance of reforms implemented recently: “The country’s policy... Vazhdo

March 14, 2011  :: Rajoni / Region :: Comments Off on Montenegro is a rising start in tourism
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Low cost airlines are heading to Montenegro
Montenegro could see a flurry of new airlines operating to its airports this summer. The Montenegrin Government has successfully completed preliminary talks with no frills airlines Ryanair, Wizz Air and easyJet, the portal Analitika reports. The Ministry for Sustainable Development and Tourism said talks were held in Dublin, Geneva and London. According to them, all of the abovementioned airlines are interested in commencing flights to Montenegro this summer from the United Kingdom and Germany. The Ministry said the list of airlines and... Vazhdo
Promovimi i librit: Arsimi shqip në Anë të Malit 1945-198
MbrĂ«mĂ« nĂ« lokalet e shkolles fillore “Bedri Elezaga” nĂ« KaterkollĂ« u bĂ« promovimi i librit tĂ« zonjes Syme Kokaj.Libri titullohet “Arsimi shqip nĂ« AnĂ« tĂ« Malit 1945-1985”.Libri pĂ«rmban 500 faqe dhe nĂ« tĂ« shtjellohet historia e arsimit dhe e tĂ« arsimuarve tĂ« kĂ«saj treve.Libri pĂ«rmban poashtu edhe fotografi dhe ngjarje tĂ« ndryshme qĂ« e bĂ«jnĂ« edhe mĂ« interesant pĂ«r lexuesin. NĂ« kĂ«tĂ« liber nuk pĂ«rfshihen vetem individ por edhe familjaret e tyre,sepse nĂ« fund tĂ« fundit historia ndĂ«rtohet... Vazhdo
Intervista e avokatit z. Sabri Sam Gjoni ne Alba Life TV – Video
Sabri Sam Gjoni,Ă«shtĂ« avokat ku jeta e njĂ« intelektuali shqiptar nga Ulqini nĂ« SHBA, konkretisht e njĂ« avokati asht shumĂ« e vĂ«shtir. Sa ashtĂ« gjetur intelektuali shqiptarĂ« nga Ulqini qĂ« ashtĂ« larguar nga vendlindja e tijĂ« na tregon nĂ« IntervistĂ«. Sabri Sam Gjoni shprehet nĂ« intervistĂ« pĂ«r Alba Life TV : Jeta e intelektualit shqiptar nĂ« SHBA Ă«shtĂ« shumĂ« e vĂ«shtirĂ« sepse duhet tĂ« integrohesh si nĂ« jetĂ«n ekonomike, ashtu edhe nĂ« jetĂ«n politike. Gjithashtu duhet t’i pĂ«rshtatesh edhe shkollimit sepse ai ka njĂ«... Vazhdo
Emisioni mbi Valdanosin RTCG – Otvoreno – Video
Tenderi i ri deri nĂ« fund tĂ« prillit?! Komisioni i tenderit ka vlerĂ«suar se janĂ« krijuar kushtet qĂ« tenderi tĂ« shpallet i pasuksesshĂ«m dhe pĂ«r shkak tĂ« rĂ«ndĂ«sisĂ« sĂ« realizimit të projektit tĂ« Valdanosit, si pĂ«r qeverisjen lokale ashtu edhe pĂ«r tĂ«rë Malin e Zi, i ka rekomanduar KĂ«shillit tĂ« Privatizimit tĂ« shpallĂ« tenderin e ri deri nĂ« fund tĂ« prillit tĂ« kĂ«tij viti. Komisioni i tenderit per realizimin e projektit te valorizimit turistik te Valdanosit ka shpallur te pasuksesshem tenderin per dhenien... Vazhdo
ITB Berlin fully booked again – Starts March 9 – Video
Focus on Travel News and New Focus Travel Magazine is at world’s leading travel trade show; ITB Berlin which will be held from 9 to 13 March 2011 with a total of 11,163 exhibiting companies and organizations from 188 countries. We will bring you news from exhibiting companies and organizations that will present their products and the latest travel trends at the 45th ITB Berlin. All available space has again been booked up at the world’s leading travel trade show, which is expecting some 100,000 trade visitors and 60,000 members of... Vazhdo

March 9, 2011  :: news :: Comments Off on ITB Berlin fully booked again – Starts March 9 – Video
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Montenegro in Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2011 Released
European winners and losers Europe is still heavily represented in the top 10 ranking, with includes seven European destinations. However, Greece and Portugal continue to trail their neighbors. The results for these popular holiday destinations reflect to a large extent the consequences of the economic crisis, which hit both destinations particularly hard. In Greece, for example, the effects of general strikes on air traffic, and thus on the tourist trade, are apparent, as it ranked 29 in the current list, down from 22 in 2008. Portugal,... Vazhdo

March 9, 2011  :: Shtypi / Mediji :: Comments Off on Montenegro in Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2011 Released
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Këshilli Nacional Shqiptar në Mal të Zi  shënoi ditën e mësuesit
KĂ«shilli nacional i shqiptarĂ«ve shĂ«noi mbrĂ«mĂ« nĂ« Ulqin 7 marsin – DitĂ«n e mĂ«suesit, 125 vjetorin e hapjes sĂ« shkollĂ«s sĂ« parĂ« shqip. 7 Marsi-Dita e MĂ«suesit Ă«shtĂ« njĂ« datĂ« e shĂ«nuar kombĂ«tare e cila ka filluar tĂ« kujtohet edhe ndĂ«r shqiptarĂ«t nĂ« Malin e Zi. Kjo datĂ« Ă«shtĂ« festĂ« qĂ« shĂ«rben pĂ«r tĂ« vlerĂ«suar traditat mĂ« tĂ« mira tĂ« shkollĂ«s kombĂ«tare shqipe, figurĂ«s sĂ« nderuar tĂ« mĂ«suesit dhe tĂ« gjithĂ« punĂ«torĂ«ve tĂ« arsimit. U kujtuan me respekt tĂ« gjithĂ« mĂ«suesit shqiptarĂ« nĂ« Malin e Zi,... Vazhdo
Ulcinj apartman nyaralĂĄs MontenegrĂł szĂĄllĂĄs-SzĂĄllĂĄsok Mediteran
A Montenegro-szĂĄllĂĄs,MontenegrĂł, Ulcinj,montenegrĂłi apartman, homokos strand, tengerparti szĂĄllĂĄs, tengerparti nyaralĂĄs, nyaralĂĄs MontenegrĂłban, szĂĄllĂĄs MontenegrĂłban, MontenegrĂł utazĂĄs,SzĂĄllĂĄsok,Ulcinj apartman MontenegrĂł,szĂĄllĂĄs, MontenegrĂł utazĂĄs, Ulcinj apartman nyaralĂĄs Montenegro szĂĄllĂĄs: MontenegrĂł – Ulcinj, SzĂĄllĂĄsok Mediteran Ulcinj apartman MontenegrĂł,szĂĄllĂĄs,SzĂĄllĂĄs csalĂĄdi hĂĄzban,MontenegrĂł SzĂĄllodĂĄkat, Apartmanok, PenziĂłk,Hotel Mediteran, ÜdvözöljĂŒk MontenegrĂł egyik legegzotikusabb... Vazhdo
Emisioni mbi Valdanosin TV TEUTA
Emisioni mbi Valdanosin TV Teuta u majtĂ« me 18.02.2011,prandaj vtĂ«m deshtĂ«m tĂ« shikom argumentet. Gjiri i Valdanosit Ă«shtĂ« pasuri nacionale. Ne Vitin 1968. Ă«shtĂ« shpallur PĂ«rmendore e natyrĂ«s, kurse me Ligjin pĂ«r ullirin kjo ullishtĂ«, me 18 mijĂ« rrĂ«njĂ« ulliri, me lashtĂ«si mesatare rreth 800 vitesh, Ă«shtĂ« nĂ«n mbrojtjen e veçantĂ« te shtetit. UjĂ«rat e gjirit tĂ« Valdanosit janĂ« zonĂ« arkeologjike e pa hulumtuar. Ju dĂ«shirojm shikim tĂ« kĂ«nshem.  Vazhdo